The ultimate cloud hosting providers - ThinkTek

The climate of today's business is changing drastically. Whether a person is running his business on a small scale or large scale, access to the business data is essential. And with cloud computing technology, it's possible. Cloud computing is best for creating cloud storage, cloud backup, software as a service, and cloud hosting.


At ThinkTek, we provide cloud hosting solutions for various small and large businesses. Our cloud hosting ensures greater flexibility and scalability of the business. The cloud hosting will be done on a cloud network and not on a single server and premises. This enables various organizations and companies to pay only for the services which they have used. Our cloud hosting will provide support on SQL on both MySQL and NoSQL. We are a well-known and established organization for providing cloud hosting solutions in orange country.


Why choose our cloud hosting?

1- Flexibility

There is a myth that cloud hosting does not provide flexibility. Because traditional hosting methods don't offer any flexibility, or limited is provided with conventional hosting. But cloud hosting accommodates traffic spikes and seasonal demands. Thinktek offers high flexibility from other outsourcing companies. The cloud backup is highly flexible and can store a lot of data.


2- Pay as you go model

If you see traditional hosting techniques, they don't offer pay as you go model; you need to take the whole package even if it's not in use. But cloud hosting solutions are not like traditional hosting. You need to pay only for the services which you are using. Like you are using the cloud for storage or backup, you need to give that on an hourly, weekly, or monthly basis. Thinktek only charges for the services you are using in the cloud and not for the services you are not availing of.


3- Reliability

Unlike traditional hosting, cloud hosting solutions are more reliable. If your system's hardware fails, no downtime will be caused as it is secured and segregated on a collection of servers. The traffic to the sites has a separate network interface. This way, a cloud network is more reliable than traditional hosting. Thinktek provides more reliability to your organizational data and information.


4- Savings

If you are looking to save costs on IT, then choosing a cloud network is best. Cloud hosting will provide organizations with an easy and affordable price. Cloud hosting enables an organization to pay for the services which they are using. It's not a total package cost you need to pay to cloud hosting providers. At ThinkTek, you can save a lot of money by saving on cloud hosting IT services.


These reasons might attract you to contact us as soon as possible to outsource your organization's cloud hosting services. With us, you don't need to worry about your hosting services. Our staff members will look on to your hosting services and provide your customers with easily accessible services. Contact us through our website to get the hosting readily available.